Leaving Vermont

Sharon, Vermont

It’s been a wonderful week in rural Vermont. It was a good opportunity for Ligeia to both spend time with her parents and enjoy learning about and doing gardening. She and her Mom planted 4 berry bushes towards the beginning of the week:

Ligeia’s next project was digging up a ring around the base of this tree in order to plant Asian green beans (those are the really long ones):
Afterwards it looked like this:

While digging this up, Ligeia was pleased to find a quarter from 1936! Apparently they still made quarters out of real silver back then.
Many animals made themselves seen throughout the week. Towards the beginning we saw what looked like a peahen, but it was far away so we weren’t sure. At the same time a red fox was exploring the yard. We saw the red fox daily all week! The last morning Ligeia was in Vermont, she awoke very early to watch the world come alive in the woods. She waited for the fox and it came:

One morning we saw a woodchuck peeking out from beneath a rock in my parents backyard:

Pretty soon it ventured out and made itself quite comfortable in the yard:

There were also many varieties of birds on the property. The robins were always around and so she was able to get some nice shots of some of them:
One day Ligeia and her Mom went for a walk on her grounds and came across the most awesome tree ever! It was HUGE and full of so much life!

So today Ligeia and her parents drove to Montpelier, the capital of Vermont (apparently the smallest capital in the country!) to eat at The New England Culinary Institute with reportedly excellent food. Here was the Vermont cheese plate that they ordered:
Then Ligeia boarded a Greyhound bus for the 3 hour drive to Montreal where she was all too pleased to be greeted by Mindy, after having been apart for 5 long weeks.

Lots of love,
Ligeia 🙂

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