Impressions of Istanbul, Turkey

Our time in Istanbul was, like the rest of our trip, rather uncommon for us. Generally, when we travel, we like to go to non-touristy places; where just the locals go and we’re the only tourist faces in the crowd (or better yet, if there is no crowd at all!) Our first evening in the […]

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The Hamam Experience in Istanbul

Ligeia and Mindy had been looking forward to a visit to a Turkish bath, or hamam, even before arriving to the country. We learned there are many to choose from, especially in Istanbul. We decided on Çemberlitaş Hamami because of its historical significance, having been first opened in 1584. So in case you’ve ever wondered […]

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Lesbos Greece

Travel Day to Lesbos, Greece

After a sleepless night for Ligeia, we started out after breakfast for what we knew would be a long travel day. Beginning with waiting for the shuttle bus from Pamukkale to Denizli, about 35 minutes away, Ligeia had her work cut out for her fending off the relentless come-ons from a local “gentleman”. Upon at […]

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Pamukkale Turkey

Exploring Pamukkale, Turkey

When we first brought home our travel guide for Turkey, one of the cover pictures looked like an iced over mountain with bright blue turquoise pools, layered along the slope. Thankfully, the inside cover gave a photo credit and the location of this pristine landscape: Pamukkale. We dare you to google it and not be […]

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Turkish Flag

Arrived in Turkey

The plane rıde from New York Cıty to Istanbul was ten hours long and ıncluded four bad movıes, each worse than the last. After gettıng our vısas (costıng $20 for Lıgeıa and a whoppıng $60 for Mındy – for some reason Canada was by far the most expensıve) and goıng through customs, we found Pegasus […]

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